Saturday, 2 January 2021

2021 Goals

As you you've seen from my review of 2020, it was a busy stitchy year for me, I can't promise to top it in 2021 with a new job, looking for something permanent and moving house again at the end of the year, but I'll have fun trying!

I've decided to use WIPGO again, and use 11 designs to fill in my squares, with one design - Millennium Sampler in 4 squares so that I can prioritise it more.

I counted my stitches last year, a habit from Magical Stitches, but I think it slowed me down, so I'll stop doing that and instead record when I stitched on a design and any milestones, e.g. finished 1 block, finished a teddy etc.

1. Made to Create SAL - Start and finish

I was fortunate to received the materials for the Made to Create SAL by Caterpillar Cross Stitch for Christmas, and the first part is sent on the 25th January!

I'm really excited to start this since I've wanted to try CCS for over a year, and this design seems to be really fitting and will look perfect in my new craft room.

2. Millennium Sampler - Finish all squares


My WIPGO Board will actually be 2 squares each time it's called, but since there are 12 outstanding blocks, I will try to do more than that if possible.

3. A Day in the Life of Hello Kitty - Finish Page 2

I need new up to date phot of this one, but here's the most recent picture of page one:

4. Snowy Friends - 1,000 stitches


I absolutely love this design, but think 2 over 1 on 25 count was a bit ambitious. I'm going to try to do a bit more of this sine I've had a long break and would love to make more progress on my first ever HAED.

5 . Project X - FINISH date & frame

I can't show you a picture of this, but will do as soon as I've given it to the recipiants receive it. It's a beautiful design and can't wait to share it!

6. Love Spring - FINISH


I'm really excited to finish this and it will be done this year.

7. Mini Think Pink - FINISH 1,000 STITCHES


I absolutely adore this chart, and 1,000 stitches doesn't seem much, but it'll almost finish half a page. 

7. Teddy Tags - FINISH LAST 4 Teddies


Picture to be added.

8. Frogs Kissing - FINISH 1,000 STITCHES


In theory, this is so close to a finish, but the confetti is terrible. However, I'm hoping wth my new stitching technique, and Pattern Keeper, I'll be able to make real progress on this one in 2021.

9. Blossoming Hedgehog - FINISH


10. Lakeside Village - Finish Page 2


I think it's time this one came out again this yea, so it's going on my WIPGO board and page 2 shouls be completed this year.

11. Beacon Ridge - FINISH 1,000 STITCHES


I don't normally like stitching backgreounds, but this sky is beautiful and will be coming out again in 2021!

12. Ladybug Love - FINISH 1,000 STITCHES

Due to me doing cross country on this one, I'll have to roughly count the stitches, but I'm so happy this will get stitched on this year, albeit just a small amount.

Overall, I think my goals, albeit many, they are achievable and I'm excited to know the WIPGO numbers each month. January has already been called - Mini Think Pink and Teddy Tags, which ahould be fun! 

Happy New Year & Happy Stitching!

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